
La foi perdue

Une des conséquences les plus dramatiques de la descente dans le matérialisme a été la perte du sens du sacré au profit de l'esprit profane. La foi en Dieu ou dans les dieux est perdue.

En réalité, cela ne date pas de notre ère car l'irrésistible avancée de l'athéisme, avec son insistance sur les aspects matériels de l'existence, aurait commencé à s'étendre en parallèle avec la doctrine bouddhique, il y a 2500 ans. Certes, le Bouddha fut un agent cosmique chargé d'annoncer et d'accompagner une nouvelle phase de la chute dans la matière, mais jamais il n'a enseigné l'athéisme et le mépris à l'égard des dieux immortels. Cependant, sa doctrine du détachement suprême, si elle n'est plus intégrée dans un cadre religieux mais seulement dans un monde de pensée rationnel, devient une philosophie froide, capable de se développer indépendamment du sens religieux et sacré.

Aujourd'hui, un certain bouddhisme est adapté au matérialisme et aux exigences de la culture athée. Dans une de ses proclamations de foi moderniste, le Dalaï Lama a déclaré : « si la science me démontre que j'ai tort de croire dans la réincarnation, je croirai dans la science ». Depuis Vatican II, l'église romaine a multiplié les actes d'allégeance à la raison matérialiste, en déformant ses dogmes pour en faire des caricatures adaptées au mythe du progrès. Ce travail de démolition avait été initialisé par les jésuites avec leur culte de la matière. (« mon Christ de la matière ! » s'exclame le Père Teilhard de Chardin dans son apologie de l'univers physique, poussant ainsi l'Eglise vers un gouffre de décadence où son pontife devrait finir par se justifier sur des questions de société, aussi scabreuses et indignes que l'usage du préservatif).

La seconde marche dans la descente dans l'oubli du sacré qui était le fondement des civilisations antiques a été atteinte avec le monothéisme judéo-chrétien qui, après avoir désertifié le ciel en expulsant les dieux anciens, a imposé une croyance unique de nature sentimentale et, par conséquent, impuissante à résister aux attaques de la raison pratique.
Lorsque la foi dans le dieu unique tombe, que reste-t-il, alors que toute autre référence a été supprimée ? Il ne reste que la foi dans le monde, quand bien même celle-ci tenterait de remplacer le sacré par des idéologies prônant l' espérance dans le meilleur des mondes.

La « transcendance laïque », l'idéologie de la Franc-maçonnerie matérialiste, s'est substituée à la transcendance divine.

On peut toujours essayer de sacraliser la vie sociale avec de généreux principes humanistes, mais le sacré qui se manifestait par le culte rendu aux dieux immortels est absent. Jugée réactionnaire, la foi traditionnelle est même prohibée - dérive intégriste - au profit du culte de Mammon et de l'Internationale qui sera le genre inhumain.

Alors, pour compenser cette absence de sacralisation dans une société profane et profanatrice, les confréries occultes qui ont le contrôle de la civilisation, ont mis en scène le culte des célébrités, obligeant le chef de la religion catholique lui-même à se produire sur la piste médiatique comme un amuseur de la télé.

On a beaucoup entendu Jean-Paul II parler de l'homme et du monde, mais ce fut au détriment du Christ et de la vie intérieure.

En parallèle avec la célébration des idoles à la mode, les confréries occultes ont inventé un succédané de religion extrêmement séduisant pour les êtres noyés dans le matérialisme : c'est le nouvel âge où chacun peut croire ce qu'il veut, en s'imaginant être relié à des entités spirituelles - des « guides » - spécialement préoccupés de notre sort et de nos misérables problèmes. En fait de guides lumineux, des hordes d'esprit inférieurs de l'au-delà ont été lâchés comme une meute affamée sur les adeptes de ce nouveau spiritisme qu'est lenew age. Définitivement, il faut savoir que les pseudo-maîtres ascensionnés ne sont pas des dieux. Ce sont, au mieux, des initiés rétrogrades issus d'anciennes dispensations religieuses, cherchant à capter des dévôts pour maintenir leur statut dans l'au-delà.

De plus, les adeptes du nouvel âge sacralisent facilement n'importe quelle pratique de santé et de bien-être hédoniste, lorsqu'ils n'élèvent pas un régime alimentaire - cru ou végan - ( rang d'une religion capable de leur octroyer le salut. Nous sommes ici dans la décadence du matérialisme spirituel où d'innombrables êtres tombent par absence de repères.

Celui qui n'a lu que les messages de channels sur Internet, ou écouté des contes de fée spiritualistes, est dans une mauvaise posture pour comprendre la nature des forces en présence dans le monde invisible. Il devrait s'informer aux sources ésotériques traditionnelles, ce dont il s'abstient généralement par ignorance ou paresse - mais il est vrai que les références authentiques sont aujourd'hui masquées par la surdésinformation de l'Internet.

Enfin il faut rappeler que la mode des extraterrestres a pris un caractère religieux, comme si des êtres venus d'ailleurs, des créatures à notre mesure, devaient être adulés comme des divinités. Il n'y a donc plus de sens du sacré, mais des copies frauduleuses. A travers les courants du matérialisme spirituel contemporain, il se révèle une absence de respect et de foi envers les dieux antiques autant que pour les divinités des panthéons religieux plus récents.

Le matérialiste moyen comme le consommateur du nouvel âge qui voudrait encore croire à quelque chose de surnaturel, n'éprouve aucun respect envers les puissances supérieures.

La foi est morte.

A la limite on admet que la répétition d'une formule en sanskrit ou qu'une prière pourraient conduire à un état psychique particulier, mais là encore, il s'agit d'obtenir un gain.

Or, si le sentiment religieux sincère fait défaut, c'est en vain qu'on pratique une technique dite spirituelle, qu'on se contorsionne sur un tapis de yoga ou que l'on médite devant un mur vide.

Il s'agit au mieux de disciplines ascétiques détournées en méthodes thérapeutiques, et qui ont conservé une aura de sacré grâce à leur enracinement dans une doctrine traditionnelle dont le sens profond échappe à celui qui s'y adonne.

Pour retrouver le sens du sacré, il faut d'abord constater qu'on l'a perdu, sans s'imaginer que les amusements du nouvel âge peuvent en tenir lieu.
Le premier point à admettre, si nous nous croyons encore capables de ressentir un sentiment de foi authentique, sincère et désintéressé, c'est de reconnaître que le matérialisme - le souci pour le terre-à-terre - est notre préoccupation constante, en dépit de notre désir d'élévation qui se confond avec la recherche du bien-être.

Or, la vie spirituelle n'est pas la recherche du bonheur quoiqu'elle puisse parfois nous en faire ressentir le parfum pour nous encourager à avancer.

La foi véritable provient d'un profond sentiment d'abandon lorsque le coeur pleure en éprouvant la nostalgie d'un indicible paradis perdu.

Lorsqu'un être éprouve l'absence de la présence du divin dans sa vie intérieure, et qu'il en ressent de l'affliction, réalisant que son existence présente va s'anéantir dans la mort, il est déjà sur la voie de la religion véritable.

Ce sentiment de vide intérieur n'est pas lié à une frustration matérielle ou affective. Cet état se manifeste lorsque l'ego réalise qu'il est perdu, et qu'il doit renouer de toute urgence avec le fil de sa destinée éternelle. C'est la foi.

Il n'y a aucune croyance spéciale dans ce processus intime. Pour que le lien de la foi s'affermisse et que l'être trouve un havre pour préserver sa flamme intérieure des tempêtes de la vie mondaine et de ses propres faiblesses, il doit se mettre en quête de compagnons d'âme.

C'est par la reconnaissance d'une famille d'esprit que commence la démarche religieuse active, alors qu'avant cette découverte, l'être isolé demeure un profane.

Le sacré ne peut se vivre seul. Le sacré est une participation communautaire qui commence lorsque quelques âmes orientées vers la libération spirituelle sont réunies dans un cadre approprié.

Sur la base de la foi fondamentale telle que nous l'avons définie, la vie spirituelle authentique s'inscrit dans la durée par un engagement, marqué par un rite d'introduction dans une communauté d'âmes en résonance avec notre aspiration essentielle.

Depuis la décadence des religions traditionnelles qui ne peuvent plus prétendre offrir aux laïcs un cadre pour travailler à leur perfectionnement intérieur, les chercheurs spirituels se sont mis en quête de structures initiatiques alternatives.

C'est un parcours du combattant où beaucoup errent d'un groupe au nom prestigieux à un autre tout aussi bidon.

Là encore, on découvre que ces centres initiatiques sont des auberges espagnoles où chacun peut satisfaire sa quête individuelle pour obtenir des pouvoirs psychiques ou des connaissances.

La foi y est souvent réduite à un culte des hirérarchies angéliques, sous la forme d'une pratique de l'occultisme cabalistique - nommée « magie blanche » ou théurgie.

Or, il faut rappeler que les anges ne sont pas aptes à sauver les âmes, et que ceux qui se présentent lors des invocations magiques ou des cérémonies religieuses, appartiennent aux basses hiérarchies.

C'est toujours cette catégorie d'êtres invisibles inférieurs, les plus proches de l'état de conscience des opérateurs des rites, qui est invoquée lors des séances de magie.

C'est pourquoi, les instructeurs gnostiques ont déconseillé d'entretenir un lien avec ces dimensions spirituelles car un démon peut facilement se présenter sous l'identité d'un archange ou d'un dieu.

La recherche d'une structure initiatique n'est donc pas aisée. Si l'on en croit René Guénon ou Julius Evola, qui ont étudié les courants spirituels dans la première partie du Xxème siècle, il n'y aurait plus en occident de cadre initiatique opérationnel.

On ne trouve que des structures contre-initiatiques, arborant des titres traditionnels prestigieux, comme la trop célèbre organisation AMORC qui se prétend « Ancien et Mystique Ordre de la Rose Croix » sans même disposer des moindres éléments initiatiques et doctrinaux propres à la véritable Rose-Croix occidentale.

De nombreux chercheurs ont erré dans ces structures pseudo-traditionnelles et y ont laissé des plumes et beaucoup d'illusions. Il faut évoquer également la franc-maçonnerie, enjésuitée et judaïsée qui n'a plus de caractère initiatique authentique depuis au moins trois siècles.

Alors, dépité et dégoûté des orthodoxies occidentales décadentes en cet âge noir, le chercheur de vérité s'est tourné vers l'orient, avant de s'apercevoir, s'il est lucide, que les gourous hindous qui se présentent sur le marché de la spiritualité avec des publicités alléchantes, n'ont guère plus à lui apprendre - et peut-être moins ? - que le curé de la paroisse de sa jeunesse.
L'exotisme fait illusion pendant un temps, mais la rengaine finit par être lassante.

En évoquant l'Inde, il y a toutefois un élément en faveur de l'Hindouisme - aussi impénétrable que soit cette doctrine dans ses aspects ésotériques - c'est son respect pour les dieux dont les noms trouveront encore un écho dans les temples de l'Inde, alors que le nom du Christ sera oublié.
Nous qui vivons dans une Europe athée, où les religions sont prostituées à l'ordre mondial, et où les structures initiatiques sont contrôlées par des confréries occultes et politiques, comment trouver une communauté spirituelle ?

Pascal disait que la foi vient en priant. Mais quelle divinité peut-on encore invoquer sans risquer de se faire manger par un vieil égrégore vorace ?

source: Joël Labruyère


Sovrani Integral

Question 2 from Project Camelot:

Some people studying and commenting on current events seem preoccupied with what are perceived by some to be discouraging messages of gloom, or warnings of potential major problems. Others focus only on messages of hope and light, and refuse to dwell on bad news. Although we have no trouble incorporating both views and understand that how they manifest will depend on each of us, some of our audience tend toward one view or the other.

What is your own philosophy or that of those you represent about this dilemma, and what light can you shed on this ongoing debate between the two factions, both of whom care deeply about the future of our world?

Answer 2 from James: The ominous situations of our world are very real. It is impossible to look at the policies of governments around the world and see coherence, benevolence, enlightened action, or, in general, behavioral intelligence as an outflow of equality and oneness.

The human family has been bound up over thousands of generations and each time returning to our home planet Earth for the sake of upgrading the previous generation’s dominion, creature comforts, lifestyle, and technology, while the emotional maturity remains burrowed in the substrate of rape, abuse, enslavement, war, dishonesty, greed, government fraud, and a hundred other vices of weak and disillusioned humans programmed to see only the out-picturing of the human mind and its systems of limitation.

The human family is building a pyramid of manifested life across thousands of generations and each new generation builds another layer – an upgrade of technology and lifestyle. We are nearing the apex of this pyramid where there is nothing left to add. The pyramid is completed and we – each of us – must look at the pyramid we have constructed and ask ourselves how it exemplifies our transcendence, our true Self.

The pyramid of humanity is manifest in the three-dimensional world, but it derives from a set of constructs that are flawed. What are these constructs? What makes them flawed? How did humanity get off course to build structures of civilization and society that are such poor reflections of who we really are?

There is a specific framework that has emerged over millions of years to induce humanity to the repetitive post of deficient civilization-builders. In the context of your questions, I must begin by defining this framework in order to answer all of your questions with sufficient detail and bring some new texture and dimension to the conversation. This framework is known within Lyricus as the Suppression of the Sovereign Integral. Its nine primary components are delineated below.

Before you, the reader, continue on, let me warn you that this is a sobering and direct analysis of the suppression framework and I would advise everyone who reads this to remain neutral as they examine my answers. If you find the information feeling too “heavy” or evoking fear, set it aside or return to it later. This story is not for everyone. Some will feel threatened by it and react with a sense of alarm, and others will feel like someone pulled the rug from underneath them. If you feel any of this, you may not be prepared to confront these realities.

The Secret Framework for the Suppression of the Sovereign Integral

Human Mind System (HMS) – The Human Mind System is separated into three primary functional mechanisms: The unconscious or genetic mind, the subconscious, and the conscious. These three components intermingle to form what most people term consciousness. The HMS is the most opaque and distorted veil that has stood between humanity and its true self, perverting its self-expression within the domains we call reality.

The unconscious, genetic mind is the repository of all humanity; the subconscious is the repository of the family bloodlines; and the conscious mind is the repository of the individual. However, and this is important to understand, the foundational patterns of thought are primarily from the subconscious and genetic mind structures of consciousness. Thus, while the individual believes themselves to be individual, unique, separate, and one-of-a-kind, in reality they are not. Not in the context of HMS.

You can conceptualize yourself as a copy of the human family folded inside a copy of your parents and bloodlines, placed into an individualized expression: you. The “You” is an HMS particularized into one expression, but its roots are entirely planted in the soil of humanity and parental lineage, all of which is downloaded into the developing fetus before birth.

This is precisely why, after ten thousand generations, we continue to operate in the same patterns of greed, separation, and self-destruction. The image in the mirror is upgraded with better “clothing” and more sophisticated masks, but underneath, the image remains the same feelings, the same thoughts, and the same behaviors.

Social and cultural engineering via the entertainment and educational systems conspire to entrain the individual during their developmental years (3-14 years old), activating the programs and subsystems of the HMS to ensure that the individual is properly prepared to conform to the reality matrix of their time and place. Even those who are non-conformists, who fancy themselves “outside the box”, are well within the perimeter of the HMS.

Money-Power Grid (MPG) – The reason for the Human Mind System to exist is for the Elite to exercise control over the Money-Power Grid. Money is the prime objective of the Elite because it imbues power to those who possess it. Money takes many forms, including assets of precious metals and petroleum, land or real estate, minerals, and products and services. Money is the “God” of the Elite and their banks are the religious institutions in which they can worship their God.

The corporate elite, government elite, underground elite, and banking elite constitute the MPG controllers. Those in positions of power, especially within the banking sector, are beholden to the MPG and will do everything possible to tighten their controls of the MPG and manipulate the human family to serve their agenda.

Interdimensional Universe Structure (IUS) – This is the structure of reality domains and how they interface with one another. IUS is a very, very complex subject to disclose in a format such as this, so I will only touch the surface.

Human beings are both dimensional and interdimensional. First Source is all of us. It is the Collective Us. It is not a God living in some distant pocket of the universe. First Source is the Human Collective unencumbered with the HMS. First Source divided itself into individualized expressions – us. In the beginning, we inhabited dimensions that were not material, but existed at quantum levels of time and space.

However, as the dimensions grew in density through the expansion of creation (our creation), we, as individualized, interdimensional beings, were seduced to enter the human body. This seduction was a co-conspiracy of forces led by Anu, the King of the Anunnaki, who required enslaved workers to mine the physical gold that was present on Earth in abundance. Those beings we now consider the Atlanteans, were interdimensional living upon Earth, and Anu, with great cunning, convinced them to embody in human instruments.

This embodiment was a grand experiment in human engineering, and the Human Mind System (HMS) was at the core of this project. Anu realized that the only way to enslave the Atlanteans was to sheath them in a mind system that would reduce their capacity to express their true nature, and instead, express the programs embedded within the HMS. These programs were the creation of Anu and his scientists.

God-Spirit-Soul Complex (GSSC) – This is the central element of the HMS that anchors separation. The individualized human being, free of the HMS, is called the Sovereign Integral in the WingMakers mythology. This is the true identity of each and every human being. In this model of the Sovereign Integral, we are Gods of our local multiverse, and collectively, we are First Source in the multiverse.

Why is GSSC the anchor of separation? We have two paths: Religion and Spirituality – each being different sides of the same coin, and this “coin” is GSSC. Now, Anu, being the intelligent, clever entity that he is, knew that humans would evolve, and in this evolution they may begin to remember that they are Sovereign Integrals. Bear in mind that the Atlanteans were highly evolved beings before they donned the human instrument of Anu’s creation. Also remember that the human instrument is not simply the physical body but includes the emotions and HMS, and that this human instrument is componentized so that while the physical body dies, a higher dimensional body or sheath that is based on the physical body carries on.

Some refer to this as the soul, others refer to it as the astral body, but it is simply a sheath for the Sovereign Integral to operate within and it remains subject to the HMS and most of its programming. Thus, even upon death, the Sovereign Integral is not released from the influences of the HMS or the human instrument’s programs.

The Anunnaki created the HMS in order to consign the Sovereign Integral – the true Self that is infinite and eternal – into a prison of conjured illusions and deceptions. So the human instrument was fitted with HMS and the Sovereign Integral was placed within it as the life force, that which powered the human instrument. An aspect of GSSC was the program we call the fear of death, the fear of separation, the fear of non-existence.

It was this fear, so powerfully felt by humans, that gave rise to the construct of a separate God, from which a separate Spirit filled the universe, and from which we were all created in separation. Whether one arrives to God through religion or spirituality, does not matter, it is the same effect of appeasing the fear of death within the individual just as the program specified. In effect, Anu, the King of Anunnaki, positioned himself to be God of the human world.

The pathway to God, independent of the religion or spiritual path one walked, had the same program underlying it: You are a human with a soul, this soul must be redeemed or activated, upon which you will be saved. In this process of being saved, you are relinquished of self-responsibility to the world condition. You are rewarded with a life eternal in the kingdom of God (by whatever name you call God) where you can live in bliss and/or serve as a teacher of the light.

The savior/master construct is an integral part of the GSSC, and encourages human beings to yearn for a master to teach them how to ascend, how to be saved, how to achieve nirvana, how to live a moral life, and how to ensure eternal happiness. There are masters of great wisdom and light who remain within the domain of the HMS without knowing their involvement. The subtlety is so powerful that even when you feel you have achieved self-realization you remain trapped in the HMS. It is that vast, especially when compared to the material world.

Saviors can take on the form of many things, including the second coming of Christ, a wrathful God, the Earth, nature spirits, angelic hosts, prophecy, and extraterrestrial forces who will intercede on humanity’s behalf. Each of us is our own and only savior, our only master who can truly cause us to stand-up within ourselves and shut down the suppression systems and awaken to their Sovereign Integral consciousness. This is the liberation path and this will be discussed in answers that follow.

In essence, GSSC is an aspect of HMS that perpetuates separation. Just as different languages separate, different religious and spiritual pathways separate the human family, and make possible a race that is more easily controlled and pacified through the GSSC.

Death Stress Implant Network Detour (DSIND) – As its long title suggests, DSIND is the descent into humanness and the tether of custody to the material world. Within the solar plexus region of the human instrument is the DSIND module of HMS. This gets a little complicated because you have to look at HMS as the master network, and then there are nodes or implants that plug into HMS. One of these is DSIND, and while it is anchored in the solar plexus, it is an intricate network that develops exponentially upward into the heart, neck, and head regions. This is an etheric structure that collects, absorbs, and distributes fear, anxiety, stress, and restlessness.

While the fear of the future dominates this module – from a programming perspective – Anu was careful to connect it to the primal fear of death and non-existence. DSIND creates much of the dysfunction in the human family in terms of its behavioral deficiencies. It also activates humans for service in religion and spirituality paths.

Polarity System (PS) – This is a sub-node of DSIND designed to create polarities in the HMS and thus create friction between the polarities, and from this friction manifest discord and disharmony. If you exist in HMS (and you do), then you exist in polarity. It is truly that simple. Polarity is what activates and feeds the HMS. It is the “food” of HMS because in polarity the human instrument is lost in separation, which is precisely the point of HMS as intended by its designers.

Genetic Manipulation System (GMS) – This system was an outgrowth of various interdimensional races working to create a suitable instrument for accessing the physical world. It was Anu who specifically wanted to not only access the physical world in order to exploit its resources, but to do so by suppressing the infinite beings that would power the human instruments so he had the equivalent of willing slaves. Yes, infinite beings can be suppressed into finite beings when they are subjected to HMS.

In the course of engineering the human instrument, it was decided to create GMS as a means to modify the human instrument over time, as it evolved, to ensure it would never achieve self-realization or the Sovereign Integral state of awareness. The state of satori, nirvana, cosmic consciousness, enlightenment, and rapture were all different names for heightened states within the GSSC, which was still within the HMS domain, but these became checkpoints that triggered GMS interventions. The true state of the Sovereign Integral – even after death of the human instrument – was never realized by a member of the human family until very recently.

Wholeness Navigator – This is the element of HMS that activates the individual’s authentic search for God in the context of wholeness, oneness, unity, and equality. Some people undertake this search because they feel an obligation to do this as a means to appease the expectations of their parents, spouse, or their own sense of guilt. The authentic search, as decreed by the Wholeness Navigator, is a recent bypass that has been brought into the human instrument through GMS, which is an open system. While it is still an artifact of the HMS, it is a backdoor into the liberation path. More about this later.

Post-Death System (PDS) – This is the system where the individual, upon death of their physical body, is greeted by guides “on the other side” and review their life experience, confronting those areas of deficiency and returning to right the wrongs of their previous life, in other words, karma and reincarnation. The PDS is the means by which the Sovereign Integral remains in the grip of illusion even though the illusion is a heightened reality when compared to physical existence on the Earth plane. It enables the recycling of the Sovereign Integral into physical dimensions over and over again.

This process was initially conceived of as the principal means through which the world would be prepared for Anu to be born into the Earth plane and reign upon Earth as the undisputed world leader. However, that eventuality has been removed as a scenario.

These nine components constitute the prison complex that every human being is subjected to when they are born, live, and die; no matter how many cycles of birth and death they may undergo.

With the Suppression of the Sovereign Integral, we are all living in a Matrix-like world of illusion and deception. While human beings are no longer in service to the Anunnaki for the production of gold, the genetic carry-over of the HMS and the other components of the suppression framework are nonetheless still in operation and the reins of these suppression systems have been turned over to, and greedily grabbed by, the Elite.

It is well past the hour that humans wake up to what they are participating in and learn how they can stop it – one individual at a time. We are the key to our dilemma and we must learn how to deactivate the suppression matrix so we can awaken to the Sovereign Integral consciousness, live within its behavioral intelligence, and release ourselves from the grip of the mind and human instrument.

Those who extol hope and light, I can only say that you will be disappointed if your hope is contingent on anyone, save yourself, to facilitate change in this world. It is truly as Gandhi explained; we must become the change we want to see in the world, but the key is to define what change.

Have you ever considered the definition of your Self? What is it that defines you? If you look in the mirror and peel away the masks, the pretentions, the deceptions, the fears, the thoughts, the feelings; what remains? For most they would answer their soul or spirit. And if I told you that the soul – as most define it – does not truly exist apart from the mind, what would you say?

The change I want to see in the world is that people begin to see themselves as multidimensional beings whose core is the Sovereign Integral that is the distillation of First Source in a singular, human expression. If people were only in tune with this frequency, they would understand that all is united in oneness, equality, and truth. This is the definition of the Grand Portal as it has been disclosed by the WingMakers mythology for the past ten years.

Each individual is a portal unto themselves, and this portal is the access point to the interdimensional worlds of the Sovereign Integral, where the human instrument, like a space suit, is finally removed and the individual realizes their true, infinite nature. And in this realization, understands that everyone – EVERYONE – is equal in this state, and in this equality we are ONE. The Grand Portal is when humanity stands-up as ONE BEING to this all-encompassing realization and then we transcend the suppression framework and express as Sovereigns.

2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion. The life of deception – the era of veils over veils over veils – is dissipating, provided enough people rise up within themselves and honor the Sovereign Integral within by expressing its truth. But to do this, people must become attuned to its consciousness apart from the HMS, and this is the course of action that people must engage in.

The seeking of information is over. The seeking of a master, guru, religion, spiritual path, or way-shower is over. The seeking of objects of blame is over. The seeking of hidden information behind the dark forces is over. It is the expression of the Sovereign Integral consciousness and the deactivation of the suppression framework that becomes the focus of each individual in this new era.